The Most Easy to Learn Languages!

Learning a new language can be a rewarding yet challenging endeavor. For students looking to study abroad, mastering the local language can enhance the experience significantly. But not all languages are created equal when it comes to ease of learning. … Continue reading → The post The Most Easy to Learn Languages! first appeared on Abroad101 Blog.

The Most Easy to Learn Languages!

Learning a new language can be a rewarding yet challenging endeavor. For students looking to study abroad, mastering the local language can enhance the experience significantly. But not all languages are created equal when it comes to ease of learning. If you’re considering adding a new language to your repertoire, here are some of the most easy to learn languages, especially for English speakers.

  1. Spanish

Why It’s Easy: Spanish is often touted as one of the easiest languages for English speakers to learn. This is due to its straightforward pronunciation, consistent spelling system, and familiar vocabulary. Spanish also shares many cognates with English, making it easier to grasp. For example, “actor” in Spanish is the same as in English, and “delicioso” clearly means “delicious.” Additionally, Spanish phonetics are relatively simple, with each letter having a single pronunciation, unlike the multiple sounds English vowels can produce.


  • Widely Spoken: Spanish is the second most spoken language in the world by native speakers, with over 460 million people speaking it natively. This makes it an incredibly useful language for travel and communication across multiple continents.
  • High Availability of Learning Resources: There are countless resources available for learning Spanish, from apps like Duolingo and Rosetta Stone to online courses, textbooks, and language exchange groups. You can also find numerous movies, TV shows, and music in Spanish to help immerse yourself in the language.
  • Practical for Travel and Business: Spanish is the official language in 20 countries, making it extremely useful for travel, especially in Latin America and Spain. It’s also increasingly valuable in the global job market, particularly in the United States, where a significant portion of the population speaks Spanish.
  • Cultural Insights: Spanish-speaking countries offer a rich tapestry of cultural experiences. From the vibrant festivals of Mexico and Spain to the diverse culinary traditions of South America, learning Spanish can greatly enhance your appreciation and understanding of these cultures. Whether you’re dancing to the rhythms of salsa and flamenco or exploring the historical sites of Machu Picchu and Alhambra, speaking Spanish will deepen your connection to these experiences.

Some study abroad program providers that offer Spanish language include  Arcos Learning Abroad with several programs in most Spanish-speaking countries, SAI Study Abroad, BLAU housing and language academy in Barcelona, IPSL and Abroadia. Feel free to visit our Spanish language directory for the full list!

View of the University of Santiago de Compostela and its surroundings in Santiago, Spain, taken by a student participating in the Arcos Learning Abroad program. The image captures the historic buildings with their intricate architecture, highlighted by the warm glow of the setting sun, against a backdrop of dramatic, cloudy skies. The foreground includes lush greenery and the rooftops of nearby buildings.

Photo from the Arcos Learning Abroad program in Santiago, Spain at the University of Santiago de Compostela!

  1. French

Why It’s Easy: French shares a significant amount of vocabulary with English, thanks to the Norman Conquest and other historical connections. Approximately 30% of English words are of French origin. Its grammatical structure is also relatively straightforward once you get the basics down, with predictable patterns and consistent conjugation rules. Pronunciation can be tricky initially, but once you learn the rules, it’s much easier to master.


  • Global Presence: French is an official language in 29 countries across multiple continents, making it highly practical for international travel and diplomacy. It is spoken in Europe, Africa, North America, and the Caribbean.
  • Cultural Richness: Learning French opens the door to a rich cultural heritage, including literature, cinema, art, and cuisine. French literature boasts classics from Victor Hugo, Marcel Proust, and Albert Camus, while French cinema is renowned worldwide.
  • Career Opportunities: French is important in international business, fashion, culinary arts, and diplomatic services. Proficiency in French can be a significant asset in industries such as international relations, hospitality, and luxury goods.
  • Cultural Insights: France, known for its art, philosophy, and gastronomy, offers an unparalleled cultural experience. From exploring the masterpieces at the Louvre to savoring a croissant in a quaint Parisian café, knowing French will allow you to experience the country’s culture more intimately. French-speaking countries in Africa, like Senegal and Ivory Coast, also offer vibrant cultures and traditions that can be better appreciated through the language.

Some study abroad program providers that offer French language include Wellesley College at Aix-en-Provence, SAI Study Abroad in Paris and SIT Study Abroad. Feel free to visit our French language directory for the full list!

  1. Italian

Why It’s Easy: Italian is another Romance language with a predictable phonetic system and simple grammar rules. The musicality and rhythm of Italian make it enjoyable to learn and speak. The language is phonetic, meaning that words are pronounced as they are written, which simplifies the learning process. Additionally, Italian grammar is less complex compared to some other languages, with fewer irregularities.


  • Enhances Travel Experiences: Italy is a top travel destination, and knowing Italian can enhance your experience by allowing you to connect more deeply with the locals and culture. From navigating the bustling markets of Rome to exploring the serene canals of Venice, speaking Italian will enrich your travels.
  • Valuable for Careers: Italian is beneficial for careers in fashion, culinary arts, design, and opera, fields where Italy has a significant influence. Whether you’re aspiring to be a chef, designer, or musician, knowing Italian can open many doors.
  • Cultural Heritage: Italy has a rich history of art, literature, and music. Learning Italian gives you access to works by Dante, Michelangelo, and Verdi in their original language, offering a deeper understanding of their genius.
  • Cultural Insights: Italy’s contributions to art, architecture, and music are monumental. Visiting the Vatican Museums, witnessing a performance at La Scala, or reading Dante’s “Divine Comedy” in its original Italian are experiences that are greatly enhanced by knowing the language. Italy’s regional diversity also means that learning Italian will allow you to explore varied local cultures, traditions, and cuisines from Sicily to Tuscany.

Some study abroad program providers that offer Italian language include SAI Study Abroad offering programs in several locations, Santa Reparata International School of art (SRISA) and Brandeis university in Siena. Feel free to visit our Italian language directory for the full list!

A group of students attending the SAI Study Abroad program in Florence at the Florence University of the Arts (FUA) pose together in front of a scenic overlook. The background features a panoramic view of Florence, Italy, including the iconic Florence Cathedral (Duomo) and the cityscape bathed in the warm glow of a beautiful sunset.

Student’s photo attending the SAI Study Abroad program in Florence at the Florence University of the Arts (FUA)!

  1. Portuguese

Why It’s Easy: Portuguese, particularly the Brazilian variant, is known for its phonetic consistency and shared vocabulary with other Romance languages. If you know some Spanish, you’ll find Portuguese quite accessible, as the two languages share many similarities in grammar and vocabulary. Portuguese pronunciation is also relatively straightforward, with clear rules once you get the hang of it.


  • Spoken in Multiple Countries: Portuguese is the official language of Portugal, Brazil, and several African countries, making it useful for travel and business. It is also spoken in regions like Macau and Goa, reflecting its historical influence.
  • Growing Economic Importance: Brazil is an emerging market with increasing global influence, making Portuguese a valuable language for international business. The country hosts numerous multinational companies and is a key player in sectors like agriculture, mining, and energy.
  • Cultural Diversity: Learning Portuguese opens up a world of diverse cultures, from the vibrant festivals of Brazil to the historical richness of Portugal. Brazilian music genres like samba and bossa nova are renowned worldwide, and Portuguese literature offers works by famous authors like Fernando Pessoa and José Saramago.
  • Cultural Insights: Brazil’s Carnival, the world’s largest festival, is a dazzling display of music, dance, and color. Understanding Portuguese will allow you to fully participate in such celebrations. Additionally, Portugal’s historic cities, with their unique architecture and rich maritime history, offer a captivating cultural journey. The language also provides a gateway to exploring the Lusophone world, including countries in Africa like Angola and Mozambique, which have rich and diverse cultural landscapes.

Some study abroad program providers that offer Portuguese language include Arcos Learning Abroad in Buenos Aires, Argentina in collaboration with the University of Belgrano and CIEE in Lisbon, Portugal. Feel free to visit our Portuguese language directory for the full list!

  1. Dutch

Why It’s Easy: Dutch is closely related to English, both being Germanic languages. This linguistic relationship means that Dutch shares many similarities with English in terms of vocabulary and sentence structure. For instance, the Dutch word “water” is the same as in English, and “apple” is “appel.” Dutch grammar is also straightforward, with regular verb conjugations and a relatively simple sentence structure.


  • Spoken in Several Countries: Dutch is spoken in the Netherlands, Belgium, Suriname, and parts of the Caribbean, making it useful for travel and cultural exploration in these regions. The Netherlands is known for its picturesque canals, windmills, and tulip fields, while Belgium offers rich traditions in chocolate, beer, and medieval architecture.
  • Business Opportunities: The Netherlands is a major hub for international business, and knowing Dutch can be an asset in various industries. Dutch companies like Shell, Philips, and Heineken have a global presence, offering career opportunities in multiple sectors.
  • Access to Culture and History: Learning Dutch provides access to a rich cultural heritage, including Dutch literature, art, and history. The Netherlands has produced many renowned artists like Rembrandt and Van Gogh, and its historical contributions to trade and exploration are significant.
  • Cultural Insights: The Dutch Golden Age was a period of great cultural, scientific, and economic development. Learning Dutch allows you to delve into this fascinating era through its literature and historical documents. Visiting Dutch museums, such as the Rijksmuseum and the Van Gogh Museum, is more rewarding when you understand the language. Additionally, the Netherlands’ progressive social policies and high quality of life make it an interesting country to explore in depth.

Some study abroad program providers that offer Dutch language include CIEE in Amsterdam, Netherland and Tilburg University at Tilburg, Netherlands. Feel free to visit our Dutch language directory for the full list!

  1. Norwegian

Why It’s Easy: Norwegian boasts simple grammar and syntax, and it uses the Latin alphabet. The fact that there are two written forms (Bokmål and Nynorsk) can be a challenge, but Bokmål is more commonly used and easier to learn. Norwegian pronunciation is also relatively easy for English speakers, with many sounds similar to those in English.


  • High English Proficiency: Norwegians are known for their high proficiency in English, which can make practicing and learning Norwegian easier through language exchange. This also means you can often rely on English while you’re still learning.
  • Gateway to Scandinavian Languages: Learning Norwegian provides a solid foundation for understanding other Scandinavian languages like Swedish and Danish, which have significant mutual intelligibility. Mastering Norwegian can thus give you access to multiple languages and cultures in the region.
  • Rich Literary and Cultural Traditions: Norway has a rich literary tradition, with famous authors like Henrik Ibsen and Knut Hamsun. Learning Norwegian also gives you insight into Norwegian folklore, music, and contemporary culture. The country’s stunning natural landscapes, from fjords to northern lights, add an additional dimension to your cultural exploration.
  • Cultural Insights: Norway is known for its breathtaking natural beauty, including fjords, mountains, and coastal scenery. Understanding Norwegian can enhance your experience of the country’s outdoor activities and traditions, such as skiing, hiking, and the celebration of Midsummer. Norway’s contributions to literature and drama, particularly through playwrights like Henrik Ibsen, can be fully appreciated in their original language.

Some study abroad program providers that offer Norwegian language include BI Norwegian Business School in Oslo, Norway and ISEP’s Exchange Program at the University of Nordland. Feel free to visit our Norwegian language directory for the full list!

A group of students attending the Arcos Learning Abroad program in Buenos Aires, Argentina, at the University of Belgrano, pose together on a sunny day. They are gathered under a tree in a lush, green area, with horses and other students visible in the background. The students are smiling and appear to be enjoying their outdoor experience, capturing a moment of camaraderie during their study abroad program.

Student’s photo attending the Arcos Learning Abroad program in Buenos Aires, Argentina at the University of Belgrano.

Tips for Learning a New Language

  • Immerse Yourself: Surround yourself with the language through media, conversation, and travel. Watch movies, listen to music, and read books in your target language. Immersion helps you pick up the natural flow and usage of the language. Engaging with native speakers and participating in language exchange programs can also be incredibly beneficial.
  • Practice Regularly: Consistency is key. Dedicate time each day to practice speaking, listening, reading, and writing. Even short daily sessions can be highly effective. Language learning apps, online courses, and study groups can help keep you on track. Setting realistic goals and tracking your progress can boost your motivation and make learning more manageable.
  • Use Technology: Leverage apps like Duolingo, Babbel, and Memrise, as well as online courses and language exchange platforms to enhance your learning. These tools offer interactive and engaging ways to build your skills. Additionally, using language learning podcasts, YouTube channels, and social media can expose you to the language in a variety of contexts.
  • Be Patient: Language learning is a marathon, not a sprint. Celebrate small victories and keep pushing forward. Don’t be afraid to make mistakes; they are a crucial part of the learning process. Joining language clubs or finding conversation partners can provide additional practice and encouragement. Remember that persistence and a positive attitude are essential for overcoming challenges.

Additional Tips:

  • Create a Study Schedule: Consistency is vital in language learning. Set aside specific times each day or week dedicated to studying the language. This regular practice helps reinforce what you’ve learned and ensures steady progress.
  • Engage with Native Speakers: One of the best ways to learn a language is by speaking with native speakers. Look for language exchange partners, join local language clubs, or participate in online forums and communities where the language is spoken.
  • Use Flashcards: Tools like Anki or Quizlet can help with memorizing vocabulary and phrases. Flashcards are especially useful for learning new words and reviewing them regularly to ensure retention.
  • Watch and Listen to Native Content: Watching movies, TV shows, and listening to music or podcasts in the language you are learning helps improve comprehension and exposes you to natural speech patterns and slang.
  • Keep a Language Journal: Writing daily entries in your target language helps improve your writing skills and reinforces vocabulary and grammar. You can start with simple sentences and gradually move to more complex structures as you become more confident.


Choosing a language that’s easier to learn can boost your confidence and keep you motivated. Whether you’re preparing for a short-term study abroad program or just looking to expand your linguistic horizons, these languages offer a great starting point. Each language comes with its unique cultural treasures and practical benefits, enriching your life in countless ways. Happy learning!The post The Most Easy to Learn Languages! first appeared on Abroad101 Blog.

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